Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spiritual senses of hearing and smell

Yesterday, my wife recounted that she was awokened by the beautiful sound of cascading waterfall on the piano. There's no piano in my rented house, actually. We only have a small keyboard and my daughter couldn't play the keyboard yet. And we have never heard any of our neighbours practicing piano. So, we concluded and believed that her spiritual ears were opened to hear the heavenly music.

Shortly after, she wanted to get up from the bed to look for the source of the music but she was too tired to do so and as she was still lying down on the bed, she began to smell a strong incense smell filling the room. She interpreted the phenomenon as an indication of God's presence in our house. This was not the first time she discerned the smell of incense. In fact, about 2 months ago, she told me that she could smell the smell of incense all over me on one Sunday in church. I do not know what does that mean but I believe that her spiritual sense of smell must have been quickened during such occurences.

Naturally speaking, my wife has a weak sense of smell. She would always 'consult' me, i.e. to smell certain food whether it's still fresh or not. On the other hand, I have a strong sense of smell (natural sense) - which actually explains my love for tasty food :) There was an occassion whereby when we have just arrived home from church and the moment she stepped into our house, she mentioned that there's such a sweet fragrance in the house! I tried using my physical sense of smell but all I could smell was the same old air inside the house :) Later in the afternoon, I began to smell a sweet smelling fragrance and concurred with my wife that indeed it is a "spiritual" smell.

The first time I actually paid attention to the spiritual sense of smell was when I attended Kathie Walters' meeting. I was sitting at the front row in her meeting (there's no distance in the spirit realm, though) and when she smelled honey, I seemed to smell the same thing and sometimes there was this fragrance of fresh apple. Kathie mentioned that different fragrance speaks of different things, i.e. refreshing, enlightenment, etc. In fact, I notice that in the Song of Songs, many kinds of fragrances were mentioned. For example, "..the smell of your breath scented like apples" (Song of Songs 7:9),etc.

Whether one's spiritual senses of hearing and/or smell are quickened or not does not elevate his or her spiritual position. In other words, by being able to tap into the spiritual senses of hearing and smell does not make anyone a more spiritual person than everybody else. At the same time, we are not to run here and there exerting ourselves in our attempt to hear or smell spiritual stuffs. But, I believe that if we are hungry for more of Him and we do not limit what God can do, He will meet us at the level of our hunger.

Jesus is altogether lovely indeed! Oh, there's so much more for us to explore in Him and His Kingdom that deserves our energy and time to seek out. Draw me after You, Lord and let us run together...

113 responses:

  1. Do you know what an odor of amonia or cat urine could be? I have smelled that at different times and I think its some sort of attack or witch craft in the works, or a jezebel spirit. What do you think? I'm not sure

    1. I'm just learning the spiritual smells myself...I just recently found that I had the spirituall sense of smell.
      From what I have found out ...Cat Pee means a wrong plan and Amonia means cleansing.
      God could be showing you that you are following the wrong plan or path and he is wanting to cleanse or change that.
      I hope that helps.

    2. Have had this type thing a number of times as well as frequent visions that began when I was 4 years old. In 1999 I was attending the First Baptist Church in Summerland, B.C., to hear a well-known woman in Canada named Debi Johnson play the harp. She was very anointed and as she began to play I smelled the most beautiful smell of roses that began to completely fill the sanctuary.

    3. Ammonia - cleansing, cleansing the heart or Spirit. Cat urine - Wrong plan or lasiviousness. Can also be territorial.

    4. I always discerned witchcraft when smelling cat pee. I would rebuke it and the smell would go.

    5. Hi I was just sitting here after writing yet another letter to my brother who is mentally ill and it is witchcraft. I was wondering what really sweet smelling cocoa is....I mean sweet. It happened after I got off the phone with my husband who was just trying to remind me I was loved.

    6. Yes that smell is demon or negative spirit u are correct

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    I think I have smelled odor of ammonia during deliverance session before. It could point to demonic presence.

    For an extensive list of aroma's list, you may want to check Kathie Walter's page here

    1. Hi my name is Cynthia and sometimes I smell ammonia in my room but no where else that's so strange what kind of spirit is that I don't believe is a Don at all but it's something spirtual

  3. If you have fully developed spiritual abilities and powers inside of you, then you will be able to hear what others cannot hear and smell what others can’t smell.

    1. Those spiritual abilities are from One (God/Jesus/Holy Spirit). This is another way One speaks to us.

  4. i have smelled odor of rose during prayer times(The rose of sharon) .

    1. The fragrance of flowers indicates the presence of the Lord

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Roses -Jesus sweetheart. Lover of our soul.

  5. Just today I had a strong smell of apples, we have no apples in the house or anything apple scented. Right after the smell disappeared I got very cold to the point of goose bumps..any idea ???

    1. Over the past couple of days I have also smelled apples (McIntosh) around the same time each night. I only lasts about 15 seconds or so.

    2. God's breath smells like apples.

    3. Apples - Beloved's breath smells like sweet apples; freedom (Song of Solomon 7)

    4. Cold would have been demonic. Satan came to steal the Beloved's breath from you. Command satan to go in Jesus' name.

  6. I lost my daughter almost two years ago..lately I have been smelling cat urine in the middle of the night..mind you I have no cat..could she be sending me a msg of some sort

    1. Cat urine - Wrong plan or lasiviousness. Can also be territorial. This is demonic. In Jesus' name tell it to go.

    2. I should have used the word command not tell. So command it to go.

    3. I should have used the word command not tell. So command it to go.

  7. Does anyone have an idea of what the smell of nutmeg and sweet carrot juice might mean

  8. My mom died I May 2014. She was a diabetic which caused her to have a maple syrup odor. On her birthday which recently passed there was a very strong smell in the hallway of my home. the smell was the very same maple syrup. what made it odd was that I was the only one able to smell it and that the odor was contained in one area, What does it mean?

    1. Maple syrup - Awakening. Did she go to heaven? God was letting you remember her on her birthday. She was allowed to let you remember. Wonderful!

  9. What does it mean when you smell black licorice, garlic,vinegar, burnt wood, old and decay?

    1. Idk, but black licorice filled my bedroom today (window closed, all kids outside) & I'm wondering the same thing... which lead me here : \

    2. Licorice - Breath freshener, cleanser. Having to do with Praise coming out of the mouth.

    3. Garlic - Cleanses and brings health. Means health
      Woodsmoke - burning, cleansing, fire of God, faith
      Campfire - Counsel of God; wisdom. Hang out with God.
      Does the old mean a nursing home smell?
      Nursing home smell - stuck in a place, time to move on
      Decay is demonic.

    4. I smelled skunk. I have several times when things have gone wrong. My car wouldn't start. My credit card wouldn't work, and my son started acting crazy like never before.

    5. I felt like it was witchcraft

  10. Hello... I've sensed an ocean smell whenever I step outside of my house for the past two nights. Does that mean anything in particular? I live about 15 miles away from the beach so it couldn't be that. I've never smelled it near my house before. Thank you!!

  11. Any insight as to what the smell of burning rubber could mean?

    1. You live next to a dump?

    2. Burning - (good) Fire of God
      Burning - ( bad) Enemy leading to wrong direction

    3. Was it offensive? If so, demonic. In Jesus' name command It to go.

    4. I have smelled that too when I walked into a group of women worship I smell burning rubber
      what is that

    5. I've smelt burning rubber too several times around certain people or even when I was going tbrough a spiritual battle myself ... It's witchcraft most likely ...

  12. Replies
    1. Do you smoke cigerettes? If so, always has been rumored that hints of it had been known to get mixed at factories because its very common to smell in cigerette smoke. If not, i don't know so maybe next reader can help

    2. Is it more of a skunk smell? I know sometimes it can smell like that and skunk means there's evil spirits/demons around.

  13. I have lost two children at birth 30 years ago and 23 years ago. I have been smelling blood every ware I go.

  14. Smell of garbage/trash? I smell it at work and sometimes in my house. I sometimes have thoughts that it's coming from me. I have good hygiene.

  15. yes, when I accepted Jesus into my life aloud and with witnesses, I received and the Holy Spirit was upon me. I felt a Wooah of wind (which nobody else noticed) and then I was shaking, followed by a great calm...for days I could smell sweet blood mixed with flowers and burnt incense.... That's Jesus.

  16. What does the smell of ear wax mean

  17. I smell fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and my house feels warm like they just came out of the oven. I live alone with my 4 yr old...her dad died 2 yrs ago, and those were his fave so I'm assuming it is him. Also, 2 days before he died, he said he kept smelling almonds and roses (but I did not smell either).

  18. The smell of vinegar means what?

  19. Hello I have just discovered my gift of discernment, it's still growing. I was sitting in my house and I smelled cigarette smoke and it was in the middle of the night we don't smoke. And another day I smelled that green layer that surfaces on lakes, and another day I smelled shoe bad stink. What could this be or God is trying to reveal another part of the gift?

  20. Hello I have just discovered my gift of discernment, it's still growing. I was sitting in my house and I smelled cigarette smoke and it was in the middle of the night we don't smoke. And another day I smelled that green layer that surfaces on lakes, and another day I smelled shoe bad stink. What could this be or God is trying to reveal another part of the gift?

  21. about two weeks ago I have started smelling cigarette smoke and it has been beside me. My mom and cousin have smelled it as well. My mom has a spiritual gift and l not sure about my cousin but she can see thingss as well and smell them. It started a few years back when l first started see dark shadows. After that I started smelling sweet perfume all the time. Then when I was in church the lights would be flickering all the time. Even at home the light in the refrigerator would flicker. Next thing I know I started receiving the holy spirit and his presence would be so strong I could no move. Then on my job I would hear voices of women talking amoung themselves. Last month l was in the car by myself and l smelled alcohol, then a few weeks later I smelled alcohol again but my cousin was with me and she smelled it too. Sometimes when I look at pictures I can see like angel wings in them. Then when I look at pictures with people the people in the pictures look totally different. I had a vision yesterday morning that I saw a shear being lifted off my face and I could see things clearer. One night I was taking a nap and I woke up and I was walking like I was drunk but I don't drink and I was cold and shivering. It's like I was feeling what someone else was feeling. My cousin passed away like two months ago and the holy spirit was so strong in her daughter's house I went ouside crying. The holy spirit was so strong he was about to bring me to my knees. Anyone have any thoughts?

    1. You have multiple gifts..God is going to use you mightly as they mature allow the holy spirit to lead and teach you ..you are tapping in to both spiritual world of Good and evil..write each scent down and meditate along with the holy Spirit as you develop your sense of smell.God bless you!

    2. Sometimes i can feel what others are feeling and i smell things as well. My aunt had really bad anxiety and i started to have it too but when i realized it was hers and not mine... I prayed for her and the anxiety went away from me. I can also feel other people's sadness and will cry sometimes because of it.... I feel crazy at times because a lot of people can't understand this... I know I'm called to intercede a lot... I smelled something burning today but it wasn't scary... It has strong . Then faded and came back.. i thought my aunt had turned her heat on but she didn't. I have visions and dreams and at times God will give me the interpretation of the dreams but i also have to battle with praying about everything to make sure what i am being given is from God because the enemy attacks me a lot through bad dreams. I don't know why the Lord speaks to me in these different ways and i can't just make it go away. If i walk in unforgiveness or bitterness. It throws my walk off with God and hinders the way that i see in the spirit but because I'm so open in this way... Whatever this is... The enemy attacks me mentally and emotionally and so i have to really stay connected with God to distinguish what is what..... I've been told the way that God speaks to me etc doesn't exist anymore but it does... I'm living in it and not a lot of people can relate. I've seen bad spirit before and I've seen angels.... Not directly but in a photo i seen my angel and she's spoke to me once in an audible voice. But only once.

    3. When i smelled the burning today.. i had just asked God yesterday to show me that his presence is with me. One only smelled this 2 or 3 times before and I've smelled the sweet smell of flowers a few times starting back to when i was a kid. Because I've not been able to understand this a lot until i got older... I've walked in a lot of fear because I've always had supernatural experiences even as a child and couldn't tell anyone about them. I was in a dark hallway once when i was little and this colorful bright light hit me in the forehead and i ran back to the living room. It didn't hurt me but I've always wondered why that happened. Scared me to death and i never spoke about it to anyone

    4. Also... Two times some people were in minor minor pain... I prayed over it and asked God to heal them and the pain went away and this guy toe was healed from an infection..... Lately I've been walking in doubt and haven't been operating like i used to

  22. I smell church incense. Usually someone dies a week later. Why?

  23. I smell church incense. Usually someone dies a week later. Why?

  24. Seriously mate your nuts

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Karen My husband was heal a wonmen he met at the store/pray for her while mediating and as he was asking the negative vibes he smelled a stonge smell of garlic what could this mean?

  27. Almost a year ago,I kept smelling fresh flowers,and hearing old hymns. I then had a dream God came to me crossing many waters to just see me with open arms.

  28. Almost a year ago,I kept smelling fresh flowers,and hearing old hymns. I then had a dream God came to me crossing many waters to just see me with open arms.

  29. My father passed away at the end of august and we had a celebration of life in the middle of september. the evening before the celebration of life i was sitting in the living room with my cousin, and i smelled fresh apples. i thought, this is weird, mostly everyone is asleep, we don't even have any apples in the house. moments, later, she said...i smell apples. i quickly walked to the family room and beckoned my mother to come into the living room and i said, do you smell anything? she replied, i smell apples! then my sister in law who wasn't part of the discussion came into the front hallway and exclaimed, I smell apples! four of us smelled apples. only one person was "slightly prompted". it lasted a long time and it covered half of the main floor of our home! i believed it had a biblical reference. my "take on it", was to say, you can tell a person's character by the fruit they produce. i believe it was god telling us, that my dad was a very good man!! but, i love the idea it was god's breath - as others have suggested. god bless.

  30. I smell the urine when I wake up in the morning this has being going on for the last month

  31. What does the smell of sweet cigar mean? I smelled it in my car when I was alone. I don't smoke & no one smokes in my car.

  32. Be careful when it comes to spiritual things. You do not want to be playing with this. The bible tells you that the devil can appear as an angel of light.

  33. Does the smell of raw meat mean anything?

    1. I've been smelling raw meat a lot lately. It's not rancid meat, super sweet fresh meat. Did you ever find an answer?

  34. I have encountered two different kinds of "phantom" smells. Starting several years ago I would occasionally smell smoke. Like something was burning. Then after my husband almost died in a motorcycle accident in July 2015, I started smelling a sweet smell. a mixture of flowers and cake. After his accident, I would experience this while I was sleeping. usually the smoke smell first and then the sweet smell. For a while I.didn't understand what it was. I just thought there was something wrong with me. But then out of the blue it just dawned on me. It was spiritual. I believed the smoke smell was an evil spirit and the sweet smell was Jesus or an angel. God is so good. I'm thankful everyday that he even bothers with mere man. His love abounds. There's just not adequate words to explain.

  35. Hello,i do smell cigarette,sulphur ,smell of beer which has been happenning for some months,please tell me what it means

  36. Sometimes i always decern this smell when my friend is near me

  37. Sometimes i always decern this smell when my friend is near me

  38. Hello,i do smell cigarette,sulphur ,smell of beer which has been happenning for some months,please tell me what it means

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  40. What does smelling cigarette smoke mean ? I saw many ask of it but no reply ?

  41. What does the smell of bleach signify?

  42. Wake up most every night around 3am, last smelled cinnamon in my room. It was extremely strong- and no I do not have cinnamon anywhere in my bedroom, nor did I do any baking. Any ideas what the smell means? Thank you.

  43. What does the smell of marzipan mean?

  44. I often smell roast beef at home and work but today I smelled meatloaf all morning long at work. What do these smells mean? Colleen

  45. Today I was outside near my sunflower gardengarden and caught the smell of fresh peaches. It was odd because I caught the smell in the wind and followed it to about the middle of my sunflowers then it sort of followed me to the middle of my yardyard , then I got like a cold breeze like the air conditioning was blowingblowing . Anyone have any idea's ?

  46. I walked into a room where women where worshiping and I smelled like rubbing burning and no one else smelled it. What is that?


  47. First up is a brutally honest essay from the Wall Street Journal by a woman who flipped the script on societal / self-inflicted pressures to settle down and opted to cryopreserve her eggs in her late-30s.
    click here

  48. What does it mean to smell fresh blood and no one is bleeding

  49. I was in bed praying tongues and then I smelled a Smokey smell. It went and came back again. I asked the Lord what is that smell and He replied Sandalwood. Does this have any meaning?

    1. When God gives you a word look it up. Search him. He wants you to find scriptures about it and a definition. 👍

  50. Last night I was awaken by the strong smell of vinegar. Once I was awake, I felt a tug on my comforter by my feet. I thought it was odd, but ignored it and tried to fall back asleep. Then I felt another tug. I thought maybe it was my husband, but he was sound asleep and honestly the blanket was pulled down, not sideways, which would have been him pulling it towards him.
    I was not sweating, nobody had peed the bed (lol) and neither of us are sick. The smell was gone a couple hours later when I woke up again to use the restroom. I smelled my clothing (in case it was sweat related), bedding, husband and dog.. None of us smell like vinegar now. It was strong too.. Enough to bother me. Thoughts?

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  52. Vinegar - demon of anger/bitterness/mockery of God. On the verge of converting someone to the love of Christ. Press on. Rebuke the demon. It is attacking you because of your willingness to share God’s love with non-believers and not be affected by their mockery but you are rejoicing.

    Sulphur - presence of sheer evil -Rebuke satan in the name of Jesus immediately.

    Cat pee - demon of perversion (rape/pedophilia/lust/orgies/adultery) Twisted sexual intentions.

    Decaying flesh - demon of resentment towards God because of cancer. (Could be someone who already died and the person you smell it on has lost their faith in God) It can also mean that someone close to the person you smell it on is dying and they need to bring them to Christ. Usually the person who must speak to them (the one you smell it on) is struggling with their own belief in God and so two souls will be won instead of one in your speaking to them.

    Baby powder - comfort the person you smell it on. They are struggling and need hope.

    Alcohol - either practicing witchcraft or under a curse of witchcraft. Pray for the deliverance of the demon of witchcraft to be lifted off the person.

    Mildew/sour milk - demon of discontentment/hopelessness - the person you smell it on has given up all hope of having a happy life. Encourage them - pray for them. Make them smile - remind them of the joy you have in Christ ❤️

    Train sound - stop what you are doing and be visually aware of your surroundings. It’s no coincidence when you hear a train (real train). If you live by a railroad track even better.

    Tapping sound on your ear drum - stop what you are doing and listen to the people around you. Someone is silently crying for help. The smallest act of kindness will turn their life around.

    Leather - you are a new creation. It is a reminder to stay on the right path. Strong temptation from the enemy is coming but God is with you.

    Poop smell on someone’s breath - demon of jezebel (manipulation/seduction) - pray for the deliverance of this demon as this person is being oppressed by a demon that causes them to believe they have a power to get people to do what they want for their own selfish needs.

  53. I smell blood it makes me very sick the smell is very strong. It happens sporadically. Its so bad I thought about talking to my doctor, but she may think I'm crazy smelling blood where there is none!

  54. I've been smelling BO(body odor) in kitchen. I smelled a dead rat type odor. ( rotting carcass) Also electric type smell's like burning wires. I've also heard 3 knocks on my bedroom door. No one else was in the house. I'm also tormented with vivid dreams that I can't forget. They haunt my thoughts for days after the dream. Can. Someone pleasure share insights. Thanks for reading.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. (Deleted my typos above sorry)..
      Ask God for forgiveness for the sins these demons reside in. Rebuke the nightmares and the bad smells in Jesus' name. Rebuke out loud and bind with 3 fold cord and cast to the pit in Jesus’ name and ask Holy Spirit to come fill the empty spaces they left from. ❤️ Cleanse your house. Pray and ask God to show you anything like statues he is displeased with then break in Jesus’ name and trash them. 👍

  55. I know no one will answer this but I have a raw meat smell that I smell at times in my room mainly but I do smell it in other areas of the house. Something to worrt about or am I really crazy

    1. I have been smelling fresh meat outside lately, did you ever find an answer to this?

  56. for two night straight I smelled the sweet smokey smell of incense on me. What does this mean?

  57. Hello,please help. When I am in a spiritual warfare in my room at res, I feel smells. One time it was cow dung mixed with pee. The other time it was the smell of soil. Sometimes its not a smell,its feels like they is something at the top part of my ear that is uncomfortable.When i reach for my ear hoping this particular item will be dropped down but it doesn't move. It always happens in one spot.

  58. My mom smells something that has a bad odor when ever she smells it she gets a stroke attack immediately and she eats up her tongue what could this mean

  59. Since my dad died I have been smelling Slightly melted marshmallows, as if roasting near the camp fire but not quite. Since 2016. My dad use to roast marshmallows with me.I thought it was just a grieving thing. It's happened more frequently when random people walk past me latley. I was beginning to think I should pray for them. Some of them I know. Nobody has smelled it except for the guy I've been seeing. It's so strong and doesn't last long very brief. It lingers sometimes little longer. Just seeing if anyone sees a connection from God or heaven about this smell. It's a good sweet smell. Randomly where ever I go at times or at home. Any prophetic insite here? From God-Yahway, God of Abraham Etc...and father of Jesus... Just being clear what I believe and the kind of insite I'm looking for is from God whom I believe in.

    1. If you are open to hear comments from a Catholic, then contact me at bzvj@hotmail.com

  60. I have smelled it seemed like cancer when at the alter praying people and then that same night at the hospital the nurse said when she came in the room she smelled frankincense what could that.mean.

  61. Hello! my sister owns a clothing boutique and yesterday she walked into her shop and there was this strong smell of gasoline. after work when she went home, her husband told her that there was something strange that had happened. one of the daughters went into the guest bedroom and there was a very strong smell of gasoline in that room too. what could be the meaning of this. the smell in the guest bedroom was much more stronger than the one at the shop

  62. What does the smell of watermelon mean?

  63. I came out on my porch and a very nice aroma a mixture of flowers last year waking up smelling cookies, I often get a surprise aroma...The Great I am has much to share with us, I am a new believer and just wow, never thought I would have angels sing me to sleep, beautiful scents fill the air, and hear the creatures of the earth speak of Gods holiness or how he is in my state, city and Jesus being in me and by myside...I am in awe and gratefull love of our God.

  64. I have been smelling cigarette smoke fir the past 3 days now when there is none. I am the only one smelling it.

  65. I was saying dark shadows out of my peripheral vision and that’s on my kitchen door that leads to my back top deck. My aunt passed away shortly after and I have not seen them cents. Now I am smelling strongly men’s cologne that I cannot place and I saw younger gentleman in the doorway in my bathroom lighter color hair

  66. What is the marijuana smell mean?

  67. I awoke super early this morning (3:00am) to a very very strong smell AND TASTE of blood. It has a distinct metallic smell and that is what I smelt & tasted. Naturally, I checked every possible area in my mouth nose, throat, face for blood and never found the culprit, this makes me believe it is a spiritual phenomenon. Please help me if you can. Thanks so much 🙏 and blessings!
